Friday, March 3, 2017

Who are you?

First things first-  Did you miss the Pilgrimage meeting and need the information?  Not sure how to sign up?  Here are all of the resources you need:

And on to other interesting topics.  Have I mentioned how much I hate this time of year?  It must be because this is one of the busy seasons for lodging, you say.  Well, not really.  Okay, maybe kind of.  I think it's the beautiful weather.  Seriously, it makes me restless.  I want to go somewhere.  No, I don't want to go down to the Walmart.  Pinterest will have to make do for a while.  <sigh>

In the midst of flood renovations and Mardi Gras, I have also been taking an online marketing course.  Like I have nothing else to do.  I enjoy classes like this since it tells me a lot about how people think.  One of the assignments involved taking the Myers Briggs personality profile.  I have taken this test more in depth several years ago and decided to take it again to see if I had "changed".  Alas, I am still an INTJ, but I lie close to an ISTJ.  And not surprisingly, the rest of our family are all introverted too.  If you're not familiar with this type of personality profile, there are four aspects:
Introverted (I) vs. Extroverted (E)
Intuition (N) vs Sensing (S)
Thinking (T) vs Feeling (F)
Judging (J) vs Perception (P)
Basically, it helps you define how you relate to others, your environment, your intellect, emotions, etc.  It's pretty interesting.  But, you ask, how in the world (get it?) does this relate to travel?  I did a little research and Voila!  According to Neris Analytics Limited © 2011-2016, the three most Introverted countries in the world are Japan, Lithuania, and Portugal.  The three most Extroverted countries in the world are located in the Middle East.  They had this really cool map that you can click on a country and find out what it is.  Most of the countries were only slightly more Introverted or Extroverted, such as France was more Extroverted by only 50.23% and Italy was more Introverted by 52.13%.   In the United States, Washington D.C., New York, and Mississippi were top for Extraverts, while West Virginia, Alaska, and Maine reported the highest percentages of Introverts. And drum roll for Louisiana..... we are reported at 50.08% introverted.  How about that?  Fascinating stuff right here.

If you want to find out what Personality type you are, here is a simple free version of the Myers Briggs test:

Once you're done taking the test, check out a brief description of each personality type here:

You can then go on to your more in depth, but still free description if you would like more information.

I really enjoyed learning about this information and I hope you can have fun with it too!  Don't forget to let me know what personality type you are!

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